A few years ago my colleague had shown me Beryl window manager with all this super-duper spinning workspaces, 3D shaking transparent windows on rotating cubes. It sank deeply into my memory. I've tried several times to install it on MBP running Fedora, unfortunately w/o success. Up to now. This what I did:
sudo yum install yum install mesa-dri-drivers-experimental xorg-x11-drv-nouveau \
compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome \
compizconfig-backend-gconf compizconfig-python \
emerald emerald-themes fusion-icon fusion-icon-qt \
libcompizconfig protobuf
reboot to load new graphic adapter drivers
switch compiz on from top-level gnome menu "System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects"
let is auotstart at boot "System->Preferences->Startup Applications->New" and put there:
Name: whatever, Fusion Icon
Application: fusion-icon --force
and save
Ta-dam! It's there. It's 5 minutes job, everything works out of the box.
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