Imagine you want to move your code from one Subversion repository to another with all history preserved, but under different directory. No problem at all.
- First you need to dump contents of, let's say, source repository to the dump file, probably filtering out someone else's stuff:
$> svnadmin dump /path/to/src/repo | \
svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs \
--skip-missing-merge-sources include SRCDIR > SRCDIR.dump - Now filtering script:
# @file
# @author Krzysztof Daniel Ciba (
import sys, os
import optparse
# @class realloc
# @author Krzysztof Daniel Ciba (
# @brief reads stdin dump file, changes all paths from SRC to DEST and prints it out to stdout
class realloc( object ):
## c'tor
# @param self "Me, myself and Irene"
# @param src source path in dump file
# @param dest destination path on dump file
def __init__( self, src, dest ):
self.src = src
self.dest = dest
def run( self ):
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.strip("\n")
if ( "Node-path:" in line or
"Node-copyfrom-path:" in line ):
if self.src in line:
line = line.replace( self.src, self.dest )
print line
def check( option, opt_str, value, parser ):
if ( str(value).startswith("/") ):
raise optparse.OptionValueError( "value of " + opt_str + " should be a relative path!" )
setattr( parser.values, option.dest, value )
## trigger processing
if __name__ == "__main__":
version = "%prog $Revision: 8715 $ by Krzysztof Daniel Ciba ("
usage = "%prog [opts] [< indumpfile > outdumpfile]"
parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage=usage, version=version )
parser.add_option("--src", type="string", action="callback", callback=check, dest="src", help="source directory" )
parser.add_option("--dest", type="string", action="callback", callback=check, dest="dest", help="destination directory" )
opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
if ( not opts.src and opts.dest ):
parser.error("option --dest present but --src is missing")
elif ( opts.src and not opts.dest ):
parser.error("option --src present but --dest is missing")
elif ( not opts.dest and not opts.dest ):
parser.error( "options --src and --dest are required" )
theApp = realloc( opts.src, opts.dest )
sys.exit( ) - and it's action
$> --src SRCPATH --dest DESTPATH < SRCPATH.dump > DESTPATH.dump - and standard loading to new repository:
$> svnadmin load /path/to/new/repo < DESTPATH.dump
Not so much work, especially it could be used in pipes, i.e. dumping, filtering, reallocating and loading in the same time:
$> svnadmin dump /path/to/src/repo | svndumpfilter \
--drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs --skip-missing-merge-sources \
include SRCDIR | --src SRCDIR --dest DESTDIR | \
svnadmin load /path/to/dest/repo
Hmmm... Of course it could be made better in some simple way using sed. Yes, I'm using sed from time to time, but NOT this time. ;)
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