Not a big deal once again - I said after reading of cvs2svn documentation - we've got a database holding all the cvs tags used to built our software, so I'd make a few queries to know what to keep and that's all, except... OMG! There is no "include" pattern for tags!!!
You could in a easy way exclude symbols from cvs, which shouldn't be converted, but I've got completely opposite situation. Now, smart guys, please try to write me a reqexp which is nagative to a pattern... Oups!
What I did it was a little modification of cvs2svn tool in cvs2svn/cvs2svn_lib/
Then of course I wrote a script which:
- asked our tag db for packages and their tags/branches that should be migrated
- generated cvs2svn option file
- and run cvs2svn tool
Several testing later a big migration day arrived on agenda. I've started to migrate about 9:00 AM and before 6:00 PM ca. 2k packages were moved generating initially about 190k revisions. And one day later we've opened new repos to the whole collaboration.